Our membership network is a growing alliance of organisations and individuals, working together towards a shared vision for nature conservation in Australia.
We harness our unique convening power to provide a neutral and innovative platform for collaboration. Together we tackle critical challenges, share knowledge, build capacity, drive policy change, pursue common goals and work towards our shared vision for nature.
How to join ACIUCN
Option 1: Join IUCN
All Australian member organisations of IUCN are automatically eligible to join the Australian Committee for IUCN. If your organisation has joined IUCN as a member, please let us know.
IUCN Member Organisations have voting rights and other privileges of engagement at IUCN and ACIUCN meetings and events.
By joining IUCN, you will benefit from our scientific credibility, unsurpassed knowledge base and convening power, extensive networking opportunities and access to high-level political, economic and social decision-making.
Being a Member of IUCN enables you both to advance your own cause and to strengthen common action in overcoming barriers to nature conservation and a sustainable future.
Option 2: Apply to become an Associate Member
For agencies and organisations that have clear nature conservation objectives but are unable to apply for full IUCN Membership, ACIUCN can offer Associate status.
Individuals who are members of IUCN Commissions, specialist groups and task forces may also apply to become Individual Associates.
Associates do not enjoy the benefits of full IUCN Membership and are ineligible to join our Executive Committee or vote at meetings, but are provided with the opportunity to be a part of the growing Australian IUCN network, attend events, build relationships with other members and connect to the global network.
Apply to become an Associate
Individuals can name their IUCN Commission if they are not affiliated with a nature conservation organisation or academic institution.
Annual Membership Dues
ACIUCN is an independently funded organisation, and we rely on the financial support of our Members and Associates to enable us to continue to serve our Australian nature conservation network.
It is important to note that ACIUCN membership dues are separate to the dues paid for global IUCN membership.
We do not receive funding from IUCN, as per the IUCN statutes and guidelines for national committees.
ACIUCN membership dues contribute specifically towards the work of the Australian Committee for IUCN.
Our independent funding is provided through membership dues, sponsorships, and donations.
Our Membership dues are reviewed regularly and are kept modest to ensure that they do not act as a barrier to membership, whilst still facilitating the work of the committee.
Membership rates vary depending on the category, size and scope of your organisation.
2025 Annual Membership Dues
Australian Federal Government Agency
Major National NGO or University
Associate Member Organisation
$480 until further notice
Australian State Government Agency
Smaller NGO or University Department
Associate Member Individual
$290 until further notice
Subsidiary State Government Agency
Small Entirely Voluntary NGO